73 Pro Death Penalty Quotes by Religious Leaders (Protestant) II
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Matthew Henry’s commentary on Genesis 9 verse 6: Wilful murderers must be put to death. This is the sin which is here designed to be restrained by the terror of punishment (1.) God will punish murderers: At the hand of every man's brother will I require the life of man, that is, "I will avenge the blood of the murdered upon the murderer." 2 Chronicles 24:22. When God requires the life of a man at the hand of him that took it away unjustly, the murderer cannot render that, and therefore must render his own in lieu of it, which is the only way left of making restitution. Note, The righteous God will certainly make inquisition for blood, though men cannot or do not. One time or other, in this world or in the next, he will both discover concealed murders, which are hidden from man's eye, and punish avowed and justified murders, which are too great for man's hand. (2.) The magistrate must punish murderers (Genesis 9:6): Whoso sheddeth man's blood, whether upon a sudden provocation or having premeditated it (for rash anger is heart-murder as well as malice prepense, Matthew 5:21,22), by man shall his blood be shed, that is, by the magistrate, or whoever is appointed or allowed to be the avenger of blood. There are those who are ministers of God for this purpose, to be a protection to the innocent, by being a terror to the malicious and evildoers, and they must not bear the sword in vain, Romans 13:4. Before the flood, as it should seem by the story of Cain, God took the punishment of murder into his own hands; but now he committed this judgment to men, to masters of families at first, and afterwards to the heads of countries, who ought to be faithful to the trust reposed in them. Note, Wilful murder ought always to be punished with death. It is a sin which the Lord would not pardon in a prince (2 Kings 24:3,4), and which therefore a prince should not pardon in a subject. To this law there is a reason annexed: For in the image of God made he man at first. Man is a creature dear to his Creator, and therefore ought to be so to us. God put honour upon him, let not us then put contempt upon him. Such remains of God's image are still even upon fallen man as that he who unjustly kills a man defaces the image of God and does dishonour to him. When God allowed men to kill their beasts, yet he forbade them to kill their slaves; for these are of a much more noble and excellent nature, not only God's creatures, but his image, James 3:9. All men have something of the image of God upon them; but magistrates have, besides, the image of his power, and the saints the image of his holiness, and therefore those who shed the blood of princes or saints incur a double guilt. Extraordinary afflictions are not always the punishment of extraordinary sins, but sometimes the trial of extraordinary graces. |
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Some years
ago the United States Supreme Court struck down the death penalty as
unconstitutional. Many arguments by many people were used by the opponents and
proponents for the death penalty. Those who argued for it did so using moral
and Biblical points to support this position. The opponents used human
reasoning, part of which was the claim that capital punishment is cruel and
inhuman treatment, and that no offense warranted it. Since that time, states
wishing to reinstate the death penalty have had an uphill battle. In some
states the death penalty is again law, but only for certain crimes. When a
criminal is convicted and sentenced to die, there are so-called public interest
individuals and groups who do their best to have the death sentence overturned.
The process is long and costly; our judicial system is weakened and the criminal
exalted. The forces of Satan have done their job well in weakening the judicial
system and the abolishing of the death penalty. In spite of Satanic efforts,
there remains a judicial system and death penalty that cannot and will not be
changed. Please allow me to explain. |
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Rights always imply duties. Our right to life is the duty not to take it from others. The very passage that teaches the right to life also teaches the punishment for taking a life. "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed" (Genesis 9:6). The death sentence is part of the justice and mercy of God. But it is not up to us to avenge ourselves. God has given the work of justice to governments - "the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer." (Romans 13:4). We are to turn the other cheek rather than to repay evil for evil. "Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19). |
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The Bible, the Death Penalty, and Legal Nonsense in Colorado - In an interesting twist, the court explicitly found that the Bible was "extraneous" to the case and that for juror to bring the Bible or to take handwritten notes from the Bible "was improper and constituted misconduct." The high court ruled that, since the Bible had not been directly introduced at the trial as evidence, it could not be consulted by jurors in making their own moral assessment of the death penalty. This flies in the face of the fact that the defense had made an explicit reference to the Bible in pleading for mercy in Harlan's sentencing phase. In a bizarre misapplication of the text, Harlan's attorneys apparently argued that as God had extended mercy to Abraham after Abraham had come close to killing his own son, so the jury should extend mercy to Robert Harlan. Of course, the attorney's argument is a complete misconstrual and misunderstanding of Genesis 22:1-18, but the key point is that the defense counsel made an explicit appeal to the Bible in the first place. The Bible, the Death Penalty, and Legal Nonsense in Colorado - The majority opinion in this case attempted to make a distinction between the Bible as a written authority and the knowledge of the Bible some jurors may have possessed and from which they may have drawn insight during the jury deliberations. "The written word persuasively conveys the authentic ring of reliable authority in a way that recollected spoken word does not," the majority decided. Further, "Some jurors may view biblical texts like the Leviticus passage at issue here as a factual representation of God's will. The texts may also be viewed as a legal instruction, issuing from God, requiring a particular mandatory punishment for murder. Such a 'fact' is not one presented in evidence in this case and such a 'legal instruction' is not the law of the state or part of the court's instructions." A Southern Baptist seminary president says that according to the Bible, capital punishment is pro-life. “The death penalty is not about retribution,” Albert Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said in a podcast Sept. 22. “It is first of all about underlining the importance of every single human life.” Mohler, who has a Ph.D. in theology, said in Genesis 9, where capital punishment is mandated for murder, “it is precisely because the taking of one human life by another means that the murderer has effectively, morally and theologically, forfeited his own right to live.” “The death penalty is intended to affirm the value [and] sanctity of every single human life, and thus by the extremity of the penalty to make that visible and apparent to all,” Mohler said. Mohler said the differing reactions to two executions carried out a day earlier illustrated “how fickle we are in terms of our understanding of justice.” Thousands of people protested Georgia’s execution of Troy Davis, a black man convicted of murdering a white police officer on evidence his supporters said was shaky. At the same time, an execution in Texas of a white supremacist for the infamous dragging death of an African-American 13 years ago received far less attention. "It seems that even those who oppose the death penalty outright believe there are some cases that ought to be opposed more than others,” Mohler said. “And even those who support the death penalty almost always support the death penalty within certain, very clear, parameters. Even if those parameters are not defined by policy, they are defined by moral intuition. There is something within us that cries out for the fact that murder must be punished and that the lives of the innocent, in terms of being the victims of these crimes, must indeed be vindicated.” He said societal attitudes about issues such as abortion and euthanasia indicate “we really do not now have the bedrock shared consensus that every single human life is a life made in the image of God and that every single human life at every stage of development is to be honored and protected and preserved.” Christianity produces a system of laws and justice that puts a high premium on both personal moral responsibility and the sanctity of human life. For this reason, the punishment of murderers has been taken with great seriousness. Those who take a human life with premeditation were understood to forfeit their own. [The Post-Christian Condition – Anders Breivik and the Limitations of Justice Fri, Apr. 20, 2012 Posted: 10:13 AM EDT] At one point, Theil declares the obvious: Norway "considers the idea of punishment barbaric." The loss of the Christian worldview often comes with a diminishment of both personal responsibility and the sense of punitive justice. Add to this the redefinition of human life and its value. The result is a nation that takes pride in a notoriously lax system of criminal justice - a nation that considers punishment itself to be barbaric. [The Post-Christian Condition – Anders Breivik and the Limitations of Justice Fri, Apr. 20, 2012 Posted: 10:13 AM EDT] |
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The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - Lamech was the first murderer who boasted of his murders (Genesis 4:23-24). His outrageous flaunting indicated the lack of regard for human life that had developed. The pre-Flood civilization was highly developed with sophisticated music, advanced technology and genetic development of livestock. But it was a cruel culture. By the time immediately preceding the Flood, murder was a way of life to earth’s inhabitants. This was the prime reason behind God’s decision to eradicate all human life and to begin again (Genesis 6:13). The low regard for human life today–with as many as one in three humans dying at another’s hand through abortion, war, and euthanasia–is a sign that the return of Christ is near. “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matt. 24:37, NKJV). The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers – When Noah and his family came off the ark, they immediately offered sacrifice and worship to God. God issued a new covenant with Noah and his descendants–the whole human race–restating His command to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 9:1, 7). God allowed animals to be used for human food (Genesis 9:3), and issued the decree that the taking of human life was to be met with the ultimate penalty–the forfeiture of the murderer’s life (Genesis 9:5-6). Why did God issue this command? Not as a deterrent, but because of the importance and dignity of human life; humans are made in God’s image. Human beings, alone among all the Creation, reflect God’s image in the ability to reason, love, make moral decisions, etc. Humans are the only earthly creatures God made to have an eternal relationship with Him. An murderous attack on a human being by another human is an attack against the God who made them. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers – The commands of God in Genesis came long before those given in the Law of Moses. While the Law was given to the Hebrews (a limited group), the Genesis 9 decrees are given to all mankind (for universal application). People are still to multiply and fill the earth, may still consume animals for food, and are delegated the authority to exact the ultimate price. This principle relating to human government has not been altered. Hence we can say that, for at least one crime–murder–and for all time, God has ordained forfeit of life. The underlying reason for capital punishment–mankind being made in the image of God–has not changed. In the Law of Moses, God expanded the death penalty for the Hebrews to include a number of crimes, including bestiality, homosexuality, adultery, incest, kidnapping–in fact, eighteen different crimes. Murder was still the highest crime, and God instructed Israel, “Your eye shall not pity, but you shall purge the guilt of innocent blood from Israel” (Deut. 19:13). While the extent of crimes requiring death grew, the standard for conviction was set strictly. Capital crimes had to have two or three eyewitnesses in order to convict the perpetrator. Physical proof alone was not sufficient. Israel was a human state with a human government. The Israelites were largely unregenerate, and therefore needed force or the threat of force to restrain themselves from falling into wrongdoing and sin. Israel, along with all human states, was given the right by God to engage in war, use force, and demand death in punishment for wrongdoing. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - The New Testament says very little directly about the death penalty. This silence is instructive, as apparently the Lord Jesus and His apostles were unconcerned with the operations of the secular state, and more or less upheld the state’s authority in all areas except where that authority expressly contradicted the revealed will of God (Acts 5:29). The Sermon on the Mount, sometimes referred to in discussions of this issue, is addressed to believers, and nowhere is it applied to those outside of Christ or to civil government. This is because it is impossible for the non-Christian to abide by the extremely high standards set by our Lord here. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers – Some anti-death penalty advocates have focused on John’s account of the woman taken in adultery (John 7:53-8:11) as indicating that Jesus was nullifying the death penalty. But here Jesus called her accusers to account, as they were guilty of violating the strict standards of the Law of Moses, which called for both parties to the adultery to be subject to the same punishment (Deut. 22:22-24). The reference to capital punishment is hardly central to the account, nor does the account relieve civil government of the responsibility to punish wrongdoing. Christ nowhere specifically set aside the clear command of Genesis 9:6. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - Romans 13 is Paul’s treatment of church-state relations. In Romans 13:4, he states that the civil magistrate “does not bear the sword in vain,” for he is “the servant of God to execute his wrath on the wrongdoer.” This sword refers to the one worn by the superior officers in the provinces who had the authority to inflict capital punishment. Paul does not say that the government should use the sword; he just acknowledges that the state uses it without condemning the state for doing so. According to church tradition, it was the sword of the Roman government that eventually separated Paul’s head from his body. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - In Acts 25:11, Paul states, “If I have committed anything worthy of death, I do not object to dying.” In other words, he was not trying to get out of a just punishment. He clearly believed that some crimes were worthy of death, and that the rulers had the authority to exercise that penalty in those instances. Paul did not question the right or authority of rulers to require forfeit of life. It was not an issue about which he was concerned. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - God is the Giver of life. He created it, and He may take it. Death is the result of sin. God requires death–both physical death and spiritual death–as the just punishment for sin (Romans 6:23). Christians recognize the pervasive depravity which permeates the human soul. God may delegate to human governments such things as He wills to maintain societal order. He has delegated to all human government the authority to require one’s life in a certain, limited circumstance–the murder of another human being. Capital punishment is not on a par with abortion or euthanasia, for the latter involve the taking of “innocent” life, while the former is carried out in relation to those who have been duly convicted and made lengthy appeals. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers – Capital punishment, though, is a last resort. It is an option for government to use. It should be exercised carefully, prudently, and sparingly. As an editorial in Christianity Today (9/11/1995, p. 19) says, “Capital punishment is, at best, a barely tolerable punishment. It is not something that we should exult in.” No sensitive Christian rejoices that another human being dies–especially without Christ–but neither should a Christian bear unnecessary feelings of guilt when a convicted murderer receives the ultimate earthly penalty after due consideration of the extreme nature of the crime. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - Human government is sanctioned to use force–deadly if necessary–to restrain evildoers overwhelmed by their depravity. Awful as it is, capital punishment is a definite acknowledgment of the terrible force needed to keep evil in check. The Death Penalty–Cruelty or Necessity? by Craig Alan Myers - Capital punishment, as well as any form of judgment, is a unpleasant business. But it reminds us of the great value of human life. Christians should take advantage of opportunities to minister the Gospel to those facing the punishment and those who administer it. We should pray for the conversion of death row inmates. We all face physical death–separation of the soul from the body–but we need not face eternal death or separation of the soul from God. Jesus Christ died to save sinners. He endured not only physical death but spiritual death so we could have eternal life. This is the Good News that we are called to take to all human beings wherever we might find them–in the church pew, at the workplace, on the sickroom bed, or even on death row. |
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I am pro-life because the Bible clearly teaches us that life begins at conception (Psalm 51:5) This truth is supported with ever increasing detail as the science of embryology reveals more and more about the intricacies of human fetal development. The Bible also tells us God is involved when conception takes place (Jeremiah 1:4-5), and that God is involved intimately in the process of maturation and development of a child even prior to birth (Psalm 139:13-16). In the most sustained passage in the New Testament concerning God’s plan and role for government (Romans 13), we learn that God ordained the civil magistrate to punish those who do evil and reward those who do right. We also are told, in Romans 13:4, that the civil magistrate bears not the sword in vain. In the original Greek language the word used there for “sword” is the same word used for the type of sword used to execute Roman citizens who were found guilty of capital crimes. Clearly, the Apostle Paul, inspired by God’s Holy Spirit, is granting to the civil magistrate the use of lethal force as one of the options available to punish those who do evil--in the case of domestic criminals, the police force, and in war, the military. [The death penalty can be pro-life On Faith- Can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? How does one reconcile these positions? 15 September 2011] Just War theorists have cited this passage for centuries to give biblical justification for the use of government-authorized lethal force in warfare. [The death penalty can be pro-life On Faith- Can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? How does one reconcile these positions? 15 September 2011] However, on the other side of the coin, it must be said that people who are pro-life believe that life is sacred, and that when a person, wantonly and premeditatedly takes the life of another person, they have forfeited their right to continued life. And when they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt by a jury of their peers, they should be executed. [The death penalty can be pro-life On Faith- Can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? How does one reconcile these positions? 15 September 2011] I believe we should keep the death penalty to be used in heinous cases like this, and in cases of treason and other reprehensible crimes against humanity. I believe this is consistent with my pro-life position. [The death penalty can be pro-life On Faith- Can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? How does one reconcile these positions? 15 September 2011] I believe that people who are pro-life are horrified by a person taking upon themselves the prerogatives of God and wantonly and premeditatedly taking another person’s life. They believe that when a person is found guilty of doing this with premeditation, they have forfeited their right to life in a civilized society. [The death penalty can be pro-life On Faith- Can you be pro-life and pro-death penalty? How does one reconcile these positions? 15 September 2011] |
I find it interesting that few people think about the fact that God started it (Genesis 9:6). He gave man the authority to apply the death penalty when appropriate. By appropriate I mean by God’s standards not man’s. He had reasons; among those are justice (not revenge) and love. [The Death Penalty: Is It The Loving Thing To Do? Part 1 Posted: Monday 14 November 2011] I think
Numbers 35:30-32 is clear. It reads: ‘If
anyone kills a person, the murderer shall be put to death at the evidence of
witnesses, but no person shall be put to death on the testimony of one witness.
31 Moreover, you shall not take ransom for the life of a murderer who is guilty
of death, but he shall surely be put to death…’” In a
society, one of two groups of people is going to live in fear. Either, the
citizens will live in fear of criminals or the criminals will live in fear of
swift and sure punishment by the government. Where do you think the balance is
today? I would also submit to you that unless you can discover in Scripture when God changed His mind about the death penalty, the Old Testament is quite sufficient. God was not kidding. [The Death Penalty: Is It The Loving Thing To Do? Part 1 Posted: Monday 14 November 2011] Today, many Christians argue that the death penalty is not valid in
our day and time. They say it is not taught in the New Testament. I disagree. I
think it is valid and it is taught in the New Testament. There is
nothing in the New Testament that says the death penalty has been done away
with. Jesus talked often about the ultimate death penalty: Hell, eternal death!
Jesus, Paul, Peter, and many others were executed, although wrongly. However,
none argued against the government’s ability and right to do so. Paul even
said, “If, then, I am a
wrongdoer and have committed anything worthy of death, I do not refuse to die; but if none
of those things is true of which these men accuse me, no one can hand me over
to them. I appeal to Caesar (Acts 25:11).” And, I
repeat that if one wants to argue that God did do away with the death penalty,
one must prove when God changed His mind. I can’t find that He did. We have
become so desensitized to sin today that we cringe when we think of applying
the death penalty at all much less for things God said were capital offenses. |
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Moore, who supports the use of the death penalty, argued that Romans 13 gives the government the right to punish those who do wrong. Paul's reference to the government bearing the sword (Romans 13:4), Moore contended, is a specific reference to capital punishment. “I believe that Scripture mandates that the government take this position in order to preserve public justice and order," he said. The public outcry following the Sept. 11 attacks on America indicate how deeply the sense of justice is imbedded in human consciences, Moore said."There are people looking around at the wreckage in New York, and they are saying, 'How can this happen?' They see tapes of Osama bin Laden ... giving orders to his followers," he said. "[We all] have a sense of justice that I think is essential to who we are as human beings." The public's support for the death penalty -- which is shown in opinion polls
-- reflects a certain value for human life, Moore said, as persons recognize
that taking the life of another human being demands an ultimate punishment. Moore
then argued that a distinction must be made between individuals seeking revenge
and governments exacting justice.
"There's a difference between an individual taking it upon himself to assassinate a public figure and a government waging war," Moore said. "I believe that Scripture makes that distinction in terms of the state executing justice and an individual doing so." |
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Romans 13:4 does not " . . . directly refer to the infliction of the death penalty; but in the context of first century Rome and against the Old Testament background (Genesis 9:4-6), Paul would clearly include the death penalty in the state’s panalopy of punishments for wrongdoing." Douglas Moo, The Epistle To the Romans, Erdmans, 1996, pg. 802, footnote 54. |
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CNN LARRY KING LIVE Interview With James Dobson Aired September 5, 2003 - 21:00 ET KING:
Do you -- what do you make of the execution of Paul Hill? CNN LARRY KING LIVE Interview With James Dobson Aired September 5, 2003 - 21:00 ET KING:
Do you have thoughts on the death penalty itself? |
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They cry for leniency for a convicted cop killer (who had just come from shooting two others), but they stand silent, and even worse, stand in support of the execution of 52 million plus (let the number sink in) legal executions of innocent babies. Talk about hypocrisy. The crime these victims have been executed for is the horrible crime of inconvenience. The Bible tells us that the purpose of judges is to "Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked." (Psalm 82:3-4, NIV). [PEARRELL: The hypocrisy over capital punishment By John Pearrell Thursday 29 September 2011] |
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Deluded Atheist: A Response to Richard Dawkins' The God Delusion (American
Vision, 2008)] |
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Monday 25 July 2011 - Craig Vincent Mitchell, an associate professor of Christian ethics for the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, says Breivik should "without a question" be given the death penalty for his crimes. To withhold the death penalty, he says, would "reduce the value of life." "Human life is not like any sort of life. It is not to be compared to the life of animals or plants... because we are made in God's image," he explained. Capital punishment is rooted in the Bible. Genesis 9:6 says to shed the blood of those who shed blood because man is made in God's image and are therefore special. In Romans 13 the government is given the authority to "bear the sword" and punish evildoers. Breivik, 32, confessed to bombing an Oslo building and shooting dozens of people at the Norwegian Labor Party's annual summer camp at Utoya island. He is depicted in aerial photos shooting campers at the water's edge, even as they begged for their lives. Victim accounts revealed Breivik also screamed he was going to kill them all. Mitchell said of Breivik, "He shed the blood of those who did him no wrong so he has in fact murdered, and that should be punished." |
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The death penalty is about putting the proper value on the life of the victim. No, executing killers won't bring their victims back. Yet, the death penalty says to our society that the only true price that can be asked for the life of the victim is the life of the perpetrator. It says we value life so much that we can ask the ultimate price be paid for the ultimate crime committed. To do less diminishes the value of the victim's life and thus diminishes all of our lives. [Civilized society demands the death penalty Oct. 9, 2011] |
First, all men and women are made in the image of God, and are therefore of great value in God's sight (Genesis 1:27). Capital punishment for the offense of murder was instituted after the Noahic flood, and reaffirmed in the Law of Moses (Genesis 9:6; Exodus 21:12). There are three lines of evidence which indicate that the New Testament also affirms the death penalty in extreme cases. First, there is no instance in the New Testament of any moral standard being abrogated. Second, the Apostle Paul affirms the right of civil authorities to administer capital punishment, stating that they do "not bear the sword in vain" (Romans 13:4). Third, although Jesus himself had ample opportunity to speak out against the death penalty, including his predictions of his own crucifixion, during his trials, and at other times, he did not do so. We must remember that although God is full of love and grace, He also is
perfectly holy and just. Interestingly enough, the Bible also affirms that each
of us deserves the death penalty in the spiritual sense, but Jesus took that
sentence for us, guaranteeing a place in heaven for those who believe in faith.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in
Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 6:23). |
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Kevin DeYoung, pastor of University Reformed Church in East Lansing, Mich., tackles the questions as details on how the killing of bin Laden actually went down continue to emerge and continue to spark debate about the legality of it all. The evangelical pastor contends that only God has the authority to take human life. "But," he adds in his blog, "God has ordained that he should exercise that right through the power of the state." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT Citing the New Testament passage Romans 13:4, the evangelical pastor identified governing authorities as God's servants to do good. "The Navy SEALs that raided bin Laden's compound did not violate the sixth commandment (Thou shalt not kill) because, as the Heidelberg Catechism says, 'Prevention of murder is also why government is armed with the sword.' Surely, this was an instance where the U.S. military, by killing bin Laden, was acting in an effort to prevent more American citizens from being murdered." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT From a biblical standpoint, DeYoung acknowledges that Jesus condemned private retaliation, vigilante justice and hatred. But he also stresses that the Gospels did not overturn the Jewish understanding that some warfare was justified. Weighing in on the debate of whether bin Laden deserved to die, the Michigan pastor points to the Old Testament passage of Genesis 9:6: "Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image." "Capital punishment for murder is not an assault on the image of God, but a defense of it," he notes in his blog. "It is because human life is so precious, that the taking of human life needs to be punished so severely. The principle of 'eye for eye, tooth for tooth, wound for wound' (Exod. 21:23-25) was not a matter cruel and unusual punishment, but of controlled retribution as a means of protecting the community and valuing the dignity of human life." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT Aware of the objection some Christians may present, that "we all deserve to die," DeYoung says, "We all deserve condemnation apart from God's grace, but some deserve death now because some sins are worse than others and some sinners commit more egregious sins." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT In the case of bin Laden, he recognized that there is "a perverse kind of sentimentality that makes Americans eager to sympathize with suffering and almost incapable of celebrating justice," he told The Christian Post. But the notion that every sin is the same in God's eyes is a half-truth, he contends. "Not every bit of iniquity is equally offensive. Some sins are high-handed. Some are premeditated. Some are slip ups. Some are habitual. Some are contrary to nature. The Law did not demand the same penalty for every infraction. Neither did Jesus." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT Pointing to several biblical passages, DeYoung cites Numbers 15:29-30 in differentiating between unintentional sins and those done "with a high hand;" Jeremiah 32:35 in showing how some sins in Israel's history were more notorious than others; and Matthew 10:15 where Jesus suggests some people will be judged more severely on the day of judgment because they had reason to believe. "We do not promote the glory of the Gospel by pretending that no one is more righteous or more wicked than anybody else," he stresses. "Some sins so destroy the image of God that those who commit them deserve destruction." - What the Bible Has to Say on the Killing of Osama bin Laden Thu, May. 05, 2011 Posted: 06:54 AM EDT |
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Harris Himes, a pastor from Hamilton, spoke against the bill and said that if Jesus were alive, he would support the death penalty. “If Jesus was alive, he would support the death penalty.” |
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THE Jamaica Association of Full Gospel Churches (JAFGC) has joined in the condemnation of the actions of the men responsible for the rape of five females last week. President for the group, Bishop Rohan Edwards, has called on the Government to implement the death penalty for those who rape. "If the men are wicked, they must not be around to keep destroying people," Bishop Edwards told the Jamaica Observer yesterday on Sunday 30 September 2012. The JAFGC, which represents over 50 denominations in the island, said in a press statement: "As a nation, we must take a stand against such cruelty and we believe the perpetrators, when caught, should face the full consequence of the law for their actions. A strong message must be sent to all who would seek to disrupt the lives of our people." The organization reminded the nation that evil could only triumph when good men do nothing, and commended the various action groups who had expressed their outrage over the actions of the perpetrators. |
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"So often today people are disgusted and angered by despicable crimes, such as terrorist attacks, paedophilia and the brutal killing of children, yet feel so helpless to do anything about it. Murderers get off with just a few years in prison. Capital punishment acts as a deterrent for the good of society - the murderous criminal who is executed will certainly not be committing any more hideous crimes.” "God demands 'Whoso sheds man's blood by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man'. I wholeheartedly believe that the more the country returns to the Bible, the better a nation we will be." |
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In Genesis 9, God establishes a binding agreement – ‘covenant’ - with Noah, in which famously the rainbow is the sign that God will not destroy the earth again by flooding. That covenant includes the following stipulation: ‘Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man’ (Genesis 9v6 – King James Version). The fact that mankind, male and female, is created in the image of God has been established in Genesis chapter 1. The institution of the death penalty for murderers in the Noahic Covenant is thus a practical moral consequence of the fact that their victims are made in the image of God. They are guilty of murdering God's image-bearers and so their fellow men have the God-given responsibility to execute the death penalty upon them. That does not mean that the image of God has been eradicated in the murderer; it means that his or her accountability to the God who has made them in his image involves punitive retribution by death. [The Christian case for capital punishment - Capital punishment may not be a cardinal doctrine of Holy Scripture but there is nonetheless a strong biblical case for the harshest of sentences. by Julian Mann Posted: Saturday, August 20, 2011, 9:24 (BST)] Yes, the NT does set aside
the ritual and ceremonial laws of the Old. But the moral commands of the Old
are not set aside by the New. Furthermore, the New affirms the Old's concept
that fallen humanity still bears the image of God (see James 3v9). The doctrinal basis of the Church of England in its 39 Articles of Religion supports the State's moral prerogative to exercise the death penalty and declares that Christians should not expect to be exempted from it. Article 37 - Of the Civil Magistrates - states: 'The Laws of the Realm may punish Christian men with death, for heinous and grievous offences.' [The Christian case for capital punishment - Capital punishment may not be a cardinal doctrine of Holy Scripture but there is nonetheless a strong biblical case for the harshest of sentences. by Julian Mann Posted: Saturday, August 20, 2011, 9:24 (BST)] For me the NT clincher for the death penalty is the passage in the Apostle Paul's epistle to the Romans in which he commands Christians to respect the ‘powers that be’, describing them in this remarkable personalised way: ‘For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil’ (Romans 13v4). [The Christian case for capital punishment - Capital punishment may not be a cardinal doctrine of Holy Scripture but there is nonetheless a strong biblical case for the harshest of sentences. by Julian Mann Posted: Saturday, August 20, 2011, 9:24 (BST)] The sword was an instrument of execution upon Roman citizens, of which Paul himself was one. We can thus see from his invocation of the sword of justice here that Paul clearly believed that the Roman imperial government, which he regarded as the 'minister of God', had a God-given responsibility to enforce the death penalty. [The Christian case for capital punishment - Capital punishment may not be a cardinal doctrine of Holy Scripture but there is nonetheless a strong biblical case for the harshest of sentences. by Julian Mann Posted: Saturday, August 20, 2011, 9:24 (BST)] |
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Then the Lord said to Joshua: “Tell the Israelites
to designate the cities of refuge, as I instructed you through Moses, so that
anyone who kills a person accidentally and unintentionally may flee there and
find protection from the avenger of blood.” What does the Bible teach about the death penalty? Many who speak about the sanctity of all life oppose capital punishment. Although we agree with such people in their strong opposition to abortion, we disagree with their opposition to capital punishment. The death penalty for a capital offense is thoroughly scriptural, and as Reformed believers we are to submit to the authority of Scripture in every matter. In this study we want to consider, first, what the Scripture says about capital punishment, especially for the crime of murder; then we will consider the cities of refuge which God instituted to show mercy to those who murdered someone unintentionally; and, finally, we will speak about Jesus Christ, who is the true city of refuge for all sinners who flee to him. - Escaping the Death Penalty Joshua 20:1-9 | Sunday morning, April 17, 2005 By P. G. Mathew, M. A., M. Div., Th. M. The first reference to the death penalty for the crime of murder is found in Genesis 9:6: “Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for in the image of God has God made man.” Here God declares his opposition to murder and threatens that a murderer deserves death because he has killed one who is the image-bearer of God. Being the image-bearer of God does not mean that man is God, but that man is like God, especially in his moral qualities and rationality, and that man is to depend on God and relate to him in worship. - Escaping the Death Penalty Joshua 20:1-9 | Sunday morning, April 17, 2005 By P. G. Mathew, M. A., M. Div., Th. M. This law in Genesis 9:6 was given long before the promulgation of the law on Mount Sinai. Yet, like all laws in the Scriptures, it is based on God and his character, not on human ideas or sociological considerations. - Escaping the Death Penalty Joshua 20:1-9 | Sunday morning, April 17, 2005 By P. G. Mathew, M. A., M. Div., Th. M. Interestingly, Scripture never speaks about reforming a murderer. That is a modern idea. Instead, it requires the state to mete out capital punishment to murderers, thus upholding the sanctity of life and the justice and honor of God. That is the biblical view of capital punishment. - Escaping the Death Penalty Joshua 20:1-9 | Sunday morning, April 17, 2005 By P. G. Mathew, M. A., M. Div., Th. M. |
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In the New Testament, Romans 13:1-7 indicates clearly that human government is still ordained by God, after the law, just as it was in the days of Noah, before the law. The passage indicates that the criminal should be afraid of the state, because it brings judgment upon the one who practices evil, and “does not bear the sword for nothing.” The “sword” is commonly understood to be a metaphorical reference to the practice of capital punishment. As the state was obligated to practice capital punishment of murders before the law, the same is said to be true after the law. [Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong? March 05, 2010] The Word of God seems
to clearly indicate that capital punishment should be enacted upon those who
are proven guilty of murder. Whether or not this includes murder other than the
first degree is difficult to determine, but certainly it does include first
degree murder. While I have suggested we are not bound to exercise the death
penalty for all crimes under the Mosaic law, this does not mean we could or
should do so. Perhaps there are other crimes of a violent nature that might
warrant the death penalty in certain cases, particularly involving repeated
offenders. Whether this is true or not, the fact remains that the state is not
simply free to carry out the death penalty in cases of first degree murder, but
it is obligated to do so. This is true both in terms of obedience to
God, and in protection of society itself. For capital punishment, in essence,
is radical surgery designed to rid society of its worst malignancies. [Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong? March 05, 2010] I have heard many objections to the concept and practice of capital punishment. “It is barbaric and inhumane,” “it is contrary to the love of God,” “it shows a low regard for human life,” “only God has the right to take a human life,” “it takes away the criminal's chance to reform or repent,” “it is not a deterrent to crime,” and even “criminals are not responsible for their behavior.” While most of these objections are sincere, each of them can be biblically and logically answered. The same is true of objections cited from Scripture, such as the command “thou shalt not kill,” and Jesus' stopping the mob from executing the adulterous woman. “Turn the other cheek,” “recompense no man evil for evil,” and “avenge not yourselves” may appear to be inconsistent with the idea of capital punishment. But when properly understood, as coexisting with Genesis 9:6 before the Mosaic Law and Romans 13:1-7 after the Mosaic Law, I do not believe they are. [Capital Punishment: Right or Wrong? March 05, 2010] |
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punishment? Only in extremely clear cases for very grievous crimes. If there is
any doubt at all about the evidence, it should not be instituted. Judges should
be given latitude here as legal experts. The dignity of human life is precious,
which is why its application should be limited. But disregard for human life
should result in risk of losing one's life as one who does not respect the community
that requires respect for life to function. The fact that Scripture has the
category means it is not immoral. Mass murders and other intentional violent
crimes designed to take several lives should be on that list. This is not
revenge, but a form of corporate justice. Taking multiple lives intentionally
reflects a lack of respect for human life. |
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Note 6 at Ro 13:4: The Greek word that was translated "minister" here was also translated "deacon" and "servant." Government officials, including the police and army, were ordained by God to minister to us. The Lord uses this civil authority to protect us and execute His wrath on the ungodly. Knowing this gives us added assurance when we pray for justice to be done through the judicial system (1Jo 5:14-15). When people
fail to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we can pray that the Lord
will use the legal system to stop their evil ways. Those in the legal system
are ministers of God. Many thousands of prisoners have praised God for the
prison term that finally stopped them and made them come to grips with the real
problems of their lives. [Bible Commentary on Romans
13 verse 4] Note 7 at Ro 13:4: The sword that is being spoken of here is symbolic of power to restrain or kill. That is what swords were used for. God has delegated some of His power to rule to governments, even to the extent of taking life. The Lord told Noah that any person who murdered another had to die at the hand of mankind (Ge 9:5-6, see note 2 at Ro 13:1). Likewise, this verse shows that God has given government the right to use force and execute His wrath, which would include capital punishment. Even some wars can be justified on the basis of this scripture (see note 6 at Joh 18:36). Therefore, Christians can serve as police officers or soldiers as long as they are enforcing what is right. [Bible Commentary on Romans 13 verse 4] |