33 Pro Death Penalty Quotes by Politicians from Europe
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“Countries that give up this penalty award an unimaginable advantage to the criminal over his victim, the advantage of life over death.” Mr. Kaczynski said in July 2006. His coalition partner, the far-right League of Polish Families, wants to change the country’s penal code so that pedophiles convicted of murder would face execution.
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“We will hold parliamentary hearings and discuss the issue in the media.
The people will decide whether death penalty should be abolished or not," Lukashenko told the Italian newspaper La Stampa.
The overwhelming majority of Belarusian citizens supported death penalty in a referendum in 1996, Lukashenko said. “Only a new referendum can change things”, he noted. "If we hold a new referendum right now, it will have the same results as the previous one," Lukashenko said. MINSK - The death
penalty remains necessary in Belarus, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
told a press conference in Minsk on Friday 23 December 2011. 'The relevance of the death penalty has not declined today in Belarus,' Lukashenko was quoted as saying by Xinhua. Speaking
of the European demand on the Belarusian administration to declare a moratorium
on the death penalty or its full revocation, Lukashenko said, referring to the
U.S.: "Turn around; you have a big friend there on
the other side of the Atlantic. As soon as they abolish it, we will abolish it
Lukashenko said the
reason why he has given this example is that double standards are being used on
the issue of the death penalty. "There can be no
double standards here," he said. President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko said during his annual message to the Parliament and the people on Tuesday 8 May 2012 that Parliament is not competent in issue of a moratorium on the death penalty. "Personally, I will never go for it. I’m the servant of the people, and I know the mood of the people," stressed the President. According to Alexander Lukashenko, those who advocate a moratorium on the death penalty, "they don’t think so in reality but carry out someone’s orders." "If you are a skunk and scoundrel, if you make such a crime, you should be held accountable. Other countries which have set it [the moratorium on the death penalty], say: got into the shit, but can’t get out. The same is happening to all I’ve been talking to - so why do I need this?" the President of Belarus said. "Maybe our society has already matured, then we’ll take a decision together," said the head of state. Monday 14 October 2013 - President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko fully justifies the use of
the death penalty in his country, despite the calls from the European Union to
ban it.
Lukashenko explained that some crimes are so grave that they cannot be forgiven. In particular, the Belarusian leader recalled the terrorist attack on the subway in Minsk from April 11, 2011, when 15 people were killed. Two suspects were detained very quickly and were executed by shooting in less than a year. |
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Five DUP MPs including Strangford MP Jim Shannon have signed an early day motion to call for a debate into bringing back capital punishment in the United Kingdom. Mr Shannon said he understood the issue was complex and said that any decision taken would be ‘difficult’ He said: “There are arguments for and against Capital Punishment and I understand those – however it is my belief that people should have their views heard and understand in the House of Commons. It is my opinion that this should be discussed again at Westminster to gauge the public opinion of this issue and to determine whether it is prudent to bring back the worst sentence possible in response to horrific crimes. Having spoken to the families of victims who simply do not see the criminal justice system as being competent – the debate is necessary and I look forward to hearing all reasoned views on this,” he added. [Thursday 17 November 2011] |
“I have seen too many cruel murders, such as rapes and murders of 4-5 year-old girls, corpse dissections,” Charhinets said. “I would keep [this punishment] for this category. If we won’t response to such crimes harshly, they would grow. I won’t use capital punishment to any economic crimes… I would keep it only for one crime, for abuse and cruel murders of children, as not a single mother would find a justification to a murderer”. |
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Tuesday 12 February 2013 - The recent brutal killings of two adolescent girls in Irkutsk and Tatarstan has reignited a debate over whether the country should reinstate the death penalty, a moratorium on which has been in place for more than a decade. Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev was the first to weigh in on the subject, saying on national television that he favored bringing back capital punishment for certain criminals. He made his comments Sunday night in response to a question about the recent killings of 11-year-old Ulyana Alexeyeva in the Irkutsk region and 8-year-old Vasilisa Galitsina in Tatarstan. “I’m afraid I will raise the ire of death penalty opponents, but speaking as an ordinary person, not as a minister, I don’t see anything wrong with bringing it back for such criminals,” he said on NTV. “For people who carry out terrorist attacks with multiple victims, the death penalty is the natural reaction of society.” |
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Jarosław Kaczyński, the leader of Poland's main opposition party, Law and Justice (PiS), told journalists on Friday 25 November 2011 that his party will soon submit an amendment to the penal code calling for the reinstatement of the death penalty. “We would like to reinstate the death penalty for exceptionally cruel murders, and in general, increase the punishment for murders,” Mr Kaczyński said. According to the PiS party leader, Poland's average punishment for committing a murder is seven years in prison; this figure includes second degree murder. “The nation should be protecting its honest people and combating crime, so that the average Pole can feel safe,” he added. Mr Kaczyński said that he is aware of objections the EU administration could have to this plan. However, he said that there is no law in the EU which forbids the death penalty. “Just because the EU elites are against it, does not mean we have to be. We are a sovereign state,” he added. |
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"We have stated consistently that in cases of terrorist murder, we believe that there should be the death penalty. One of the reasons why I think it should be debated is because I want to hear the contrary arguments. We haven't as Parliamentarians debated this issue now for 30 years. A lot has happened in that time. Terrorism has become much more sophisticated, much more deadly, and I think it is time Parliament debated this issue again." [Friday 5 August 2011] “It is the DUP’s position that we would support in principle the death penalty for terrorist related murder but recognize there are issues around ensuring there are significant safeguards in the judicial system to avoid miscarriages of justice and would want to examine the arguments in such a debate and to listen to whatever people have to say,” he said. [Monday 15 August 2011] |
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“Once it has been established beyond reasonable doubt that these
people are responsible and have been convicted for carrying out a murderer, the
death penalty should be imposed upon them.” “Until such a time that we bring in draconian laws to tackle people who have been involved in murders, the whole situation is going to escalate. Nobody likes to see anybody lose their life, but there has to be a deterrent there. We have to look at some of the US states which have the death penalty. In these states, the level of murder has reduced considerable.” |
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“The key thing in establishing any sentence for any crime is whether or not the punishment fits the crime and whether or not the sentence handed down is he due, proper and proportionate punishment for what has been done. I am of the view that there are some crimes that are so grievous and aggravated and are of such a magnitude that the only fitting, due proper and proportionate response is to hand down the death penalty.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “The truth is that this is not and never really has been about the issue of deterrence, although clearly the person concerned would never repeat their offence. It is rather about a particular type or scale or order of offence demanding that a particular sentence be handed down.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “Some people have argued against capital punishment on the grounds of possible miscarriages of justice – but in truth that is really about process rather than principle. If the judicial processes are right then that risk can be overcome. For example in what would be a capital crime where the death penalty would be sought by the prosecution it could be established that several types of evidence were required – e.g. forensic, circumstantial and eyewitness and it could be laid down that the death penalty could only be considered if several strands of evidence were compellingly present. And again it could be laid down that it could only finally be enacted after a proper appeals mechanism was exhausted.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “Others have argued that a life sentence is actually a greater and more severe sentence. This is not so – for the bringing to an end of all human potential and future is far, far greater.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “The death penalty is a terrible thought and no-one should speak of it lightly – but that is the heart of the matter. For there are some crimes – such as the recent mass murders in Norway that are so terrible that only such a sentence could answer effectively to what has been done.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “I believe that it would now be right for Parliament to debate this subject again after a lengthy gap. For my part I believe that the death penalty should be available to society – when it comes to such things as the murder of little children or police officers or multiple killings etc.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] “It had also been argued that a life sentence is a greater and more severe sentence. I disagree. I know the death penalty is a terrible thought and no-one should speak of it lightly, but certain crimes – such as the recent mass murders in Norway - are so terrible that only the death sentence is appropriate punishment.” [Saturday 13 August 2011] |
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EAST Antrim MP Sammy Wilson has backed calls for the British Government to bring back the death penalty. “There are evil people out there who commit the most heinous of crimes and show absolutely no remorse. I believe these people merit the ultimate punishment.” [Thursday 17 November 2011] |
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"I will organize (if I am elected) a
referendum to ask the French to choose between the death penalty and life
sentences," she said in an interview on Europe 1 radio. "I think people who kill our children should face the
risk of death." [Sunday 20
November 2011] |
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“Against arguments concerning the possibility of judicial error and the irreparability of an improper execution, I point to the fact that the assistance provided by science and criminal statistics was so far advanced that the possibility of a wrongful conviction on the basis of circumstantial evidence could only be anticipated in extremely rare cases.” |
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“I'm a supporter of the death penalty for the cruellest murders,” Ziobro said earlier this week. [Friday 2 December 2011]